Hoarding is acquiring or saving lots of things regardless of their value.
If you hoard, you might:
have very strong positive feelings whenever you get more items
feel very upset or anxious at the thought of throwing or giving things away
find it very hard to decide what to keep or get rid of.
Sport in Mind
Sport in Mind is a mental health charity with a simple mission
To improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems through sport and physical activity.
We deliver physical activity sessions in partnership with the NHS in order to aid recovery, promote mental wellbeing, improve physical health, combat social isolation and empower people to move their lives forward in a positive direction.
Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellor. Counselling Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the right support, and they're passionate about connecting people to the support they deserve.
(IAPT) Brent Talking Therapies
Brent Talking Therapies is a free, confidential NHS service which provides psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.
Campaign Against Living Miserably
We’re the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and we’re taking a stand against suicide. That means standing against feeling hopeless, standing up to stereotypes and standing together to show life is always worth living.
The Brent Cove
The Brent Cove is a community based crisis alternative service, provided by Hestia on behalf of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, offering non-clinical support to individuals experiencing a crisis or mental distress, following assessment by the identified CNWL services. We offer urgent appointments to make sure each person gets dedicated time and support.
If you are a resident in Brent, your local Cove is now open access. This means anyone (16+) can just turn up without an appointment between 2pm to 10pm (Monday to Sunday).
Brent Cove Drop-in
A safe, inviting and inclusive space for individuals who are struggling to cope with their mental health. For residents of Brent, no appointment needed.
NHS Mental Health Services
Find out how to access NHS mental health services and where to get urgent help.