While common definitions of loneliness describe it as a state of solitude or being alone, loneliness is actually a state of mind. Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.
Sport in Mind
Sport in Mind is a mental health charity with a simple mission
To improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems through sport and physical activity.
We deliver physical activity sessions in partnership with the NHS in order to aid recovery, promote mental wellbeing, improve physical health, combat social isolation and empower people to move their lives forward in a positive direction.
Out of Hours Family Support Helpline
The Brent Out Of Hours Family Support Line offers Family Support and Early Help services on evenings and weekends to families living in the London Borough of Brent.
The aims of the service are to:
1. Increase access to Family Wellbeing Centres and other Early Years services in Brent
2. Increase timely access to support for families, preventing issues from escalating during out-of-hours periods
3. Reduce pressure on A&E and other late intervention/crisis services.
Kooth is a free online mental health support and counselling service for young people in Brent provided by registered counsellors. Young people can chat anonymously to a Kooth practitioner from 12 noon to 10 pm Monday to Friday and 6 pm to 10 pm Saturday and Sunday.
It includes discussion boards where young people can start or join a conversation with other Kooth members on all sorts of things, from anxiety to relationship advice or tips for relaxing after a stressful day. The Goals tab allows young people to set personal goals and track progress. The Kooth Journal acts as a personal diary which can help track mood over the week. Finally, the Kooth Chat function can get you in touch with someone in the team to talk through anything that’s bothering you and offer support and advice.
Please go to https://www.kooth.com/ to access support.
World Mental Health Day Event
Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellor. Counselling Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the right support, and they're passionate about connecting people to the support they deserve.
Shout London
Shout London
Mental Health Mondays
Mental Health and Employment Pathway
Mental Health an Employment Pathway has been set up to support residents with mental health conditions who would like to enter into employment or would like to build on their skills and confidence to eventually enable them to do so.
(IAPT) Brent Talking Therapies
Brent Talking Therapies is a free, confidential NHS service which provides psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.