Poem: Dear Brent, by Wendy Young

Poem: Dear Brent, from a facilitated poetry workshop with Wendy Young. Wendy is a poet/performer who cut her teeth with Survivors Poetry, performing widely in London and beyond, at festivals including Shuffle, and Liberty.

Dear Brent,

Gather together to heed the call

A healthier community for us all

Many of us need a hand

Just day to day living can be hard

Our beloveds, our brothers

Our sisters, our ‘others’

For those who alone, no family to care

Be the one who says ‘I’m there’

Think with your heart, when the brain is full Of doubt, of suspicion, of reasoned recoil

Not everyone has had a great life

Can’t keep up with changing times

Strive unspeakable struggles, barely survive

Another day gone, but still alive

Hail the food banks, hail the charities

But surely they can’t last forever?

Volunteers too will burn out, their kindness

Like nature, will wither and die, until the next growth

Until the government doesn’t pass the buck

Relying on compassion, we’ll be stuck In the maelstrom of a cycle

That spins, turns, recurs

And people are left wondering

When is it my turn

To live a life with purpose, with honour

Not to be passed around the caring sectors?

Brent, this wonderful, cultural borough

Relies on us all, to challenge the stigma

Mental Health touches us all – let’s keep giving

Our hearts to keep us all on track with a reason for living.

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