Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.
Mental Health Mondays
Mental Health and Employment Pathway
Mental Health an Employment Pathway has been set up to support residents with mental health conditions who would like to enter into employment or would like to build on their skills and confidence to eventually enable them to do so.
(IAPT) Brent Talking Therapies
Brent Talking Therapies is a free, confidential NHS service which provides psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.
Campaign Against Living Miserably
We’re the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and we’re taking a stand against suicide. That means standing against feeling hopeless, standing up to stereotypes and standing together to show life is always worth living.
CNWL Arts in Health
CNWL Arts in Health is facilitated by experienced clinicians, and artists working in partnership with CNWL commissioned services. We promote any possibility where art increases health and wellbeing. This could be by viewing art, hearing music, doing movement meditations, or participating in a vast array of artistic activities
Physical Activity Programme
Ashford Place in partnership with Silver Jubilee Park Charity will deliver The Physical Activity Programme to residents affected by mental health conditions.
The physical activity programme will be offered geographically throughout the whole borough of Brent and will include a number of activities to suit everyone.
Five ways you could improve your gut health
BBC article on improving health and mental wellness by improving gut health…
Young Roots
Young Roots works with young refugees 11-25 supporting them to improve their wellbeing and fulfil their potential, through intensive one-to-one Casework, youth and sporting activities, English language mentoring, youth leadership and access to specialist therapeutic and legal advice.
The Brent Cove
The Brent Cove is a community based crisis alternative service, provided by Hestia on behalf of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, offering non-clinical support to individuals experiencing a crisis or mental distress, following assessment by the identified CNWL services. We offer urgent appointments to make sure each person gets dedicated time and support.
If you are a resident in Brent, your local Cove is now open access. This means anyone (16+) can just turn up without an appointment between 2pm to 10pm (Monday to Sunday).
Brent Changing Mindsets BCM
BCM - a group of people with lived experience of mental health challenges working to change the conversation around mental health in Brent.